Crossdressing, Crossculture

📅 2018-06-01✍️ Watson, Brian📚 Metamorphosis🎯 article
The 'issue' of crossdressing, in a very real sense, can be used as a common ground on which to explore Spanish and English cultures in three dimensions: the understanding of crossdressing on stage by authority figures and public audiences, its use as a literary device within popular plays of the era such as William Shakespeare's As You Like It and Pedro Calderon de la Barca's Life is a Dream. Finally, an examination of crossdressing allows understanding of its use by actual historical figures such as Mary Firth (i.e. Moll Cutpurse) in England and Catalina de Erauso (i.e. La Monja Alferez or the Lieutenant Nun). Faculty Mentor: N/A
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Brian M. Watson
Brian M. Watson
Archivist, Historian, Digital Humanist